Have a Safe and Happy Fourth of July!

Who doesn’t love the Fourth of July! The holiday gives us many reasons to take a day off, enjoy the company of family and friends, dig into some bbq, and take in the sound and fury of fireworks.

At Home Care Solutions of St. Louis, we also like to take this time to celebrate not just the amazing freedoms we enjoy as a country, but also the freedoms of the senior loved ones in our life. The ability to participate in beloved holiday traditions with family is essential for older adults as they strive to maintain independence.

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Here are our Home Care Solutions of St. Louis-approved tips for helping the older adults in your life to safely enjoy time-honored traditions this Fourth of July:

  • Plan ahead and talk with the host or hostess about any dietary limitations your loved one might have.

  • Consider what type of seating is best for your loved one. Bring a folding chair or one with appropriate support if necessary.

  • Ask if there will be shaded seating where the celebration will be taking place. Bring comfortable clothes, as some seniors feel cold even when it’s warm outside, and don’t forget the sunscreen!

  • Make sure seniors wear sturdy shoes, which will help them navigate uneven surfaces and protect them from all those fast little feel running around with sparklers.

If your host or hostess can’t accommodate your loved one during their Fourth of July party, consider hiring a caregiver who can look after them while you attend the party.  It is important for you to recharge and enjoy time with your friends as well!

As a former military wife, this holiday holds special meaning to myself and my family.  It is my belief that EVERYONE deserves to age with dignity, love and respect, a belief that drives my desire to work with Home Care Solutions of St. Louis and to support each individual in keeping their independence as we celebrate ours!

Have a safe and happy Fourth of July! Independence Rocks!